
11139997_1572994842963154_8929962454291134945_nPlastic Duniya is a new concept for business promotion globally. Plasticduniya.com is only directory for global plastic industries which is having its own mobile application. Nowadays mobile is a very important gadget for each and every person in the world. No body can live without it for few moments. Mobile is become a weakness of mankind so now all type of news and other marketing media is now shifting their services on to mobile with the thought of future usage of mobile.

Plasticduniya.com has launched with the same concept of future needs of plastic industries globally. Any company which is connected with plastic industries will be available on plasticduniya.com. We will be reach on our first target by the year 2017.

Global plastic industries can use this mobile app for free and get the information of global manufacturers of plastic processing machineries. Nigerians can join plasticduniya.com too to get more exposure in global plastic market.

All the industrilists need this type of services as they all are connected with each other by their mobiles only. Plasticduniya.com’s vision is to set global plastic industries on one platform, its very tough but not impossible.

Mr. Anuj Shukla, The Founder and CEO of plasticduniya.com is committed to serve global plastic industry with their full of expertise of the industry. Their 16+ years experience will be very helpful to the industry to grow more and more globally.

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